Mark Butler's
"Monster List of How To's"
If you are someone who likes to make their own props the, this is definately a web site for you !
If you haven't discovered Mark Butler's "Monster List of How To's" yet, I guarentee you'll visit there quite often!
The "Monster List of How To's" is a large web site that is full of goodies! Here you will find a large volume list of 100's of props. The list is in alphabetical order and at the top of the page there is a legend with many different icons, these icons are listed on the right of each prop or item. The icons will tell you if it is an advanced project, if the project involves dangerous activities or assumes a significant skillset,if the project creates an animated Halloween prop, if pictures of the project in progress are provided, if the project is an extremely detailed how-to, if a downloadable movie or animated GIF of the prop in action is available, if the prop is static (unmoving), or if the the prop is newly listed. This way just by looking at the list you can tell what your getting into before you start and easily see if any props have been newly added.
On the list you will find many different types of items/props. For example props that pop up, fly, jump, are animated or move somehow, lighting useing leds, control boxes, corpses, haunted furniature, and many different creatures - just to name a few!
So, if you are hungry for knowledge and want to learn how to make all kinds of props, this site is fou you! Boneappite!