I have just started to create this page, links are being added.
If you have a favorite recipe page/site link you would like listed here please email us and let me know and I will make sure it gets added, Thank you

Here are some fightfully yummy halloween recipes!

www.hungryhalloween.com - lots of recipes

www.lafujimama.com/2008/10/kinda-corny-homemade-candy-corn.html - Homemade candy corn

http://www.perfectentertaining.com/halloween/ - Lots of recipes

http://southernfood.about.com/od/halloween/a/Halloween-Recipes.htm - Lots of recipes

http://imakeprojects.com/Projects/halloween-supper/ - Awesome and gross recipes!

http://www.halloweenforum.com/party-ideas-experiences-recipes/97651-halloween-jello-shots.html - Halloween Jello Shots

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